A Long-Lost Friend (Daily Prompt)

In every relation, its the transparency of feelings and thoughts that matter the most. Its what makes it last.
I guess that is why we were so close, because we had what it takes. We grew up together and your friendship meant the world to me. 

But now its been years and things have changed. Transparent is what we USED TO BE, but now we’re opaque to each other. 
We don’t know each other, we’re strangers now. An occasional “Hi!” is all the conversation we have. 

You were a good friend to me. I remember you in each childhood memory. 
Its all i can do now to hope that maybe someday we might clear up this opacity and become the friends we used to be. 


P. S. This is my first ever Daily Prompt, so it may not be that good, but i’m sure all you good people out there will certainly bear with me. ๐Ÿ˜ 

13 thoughts on “A Long-Lost Friend (Daily Prompt)

  1. true12imam says:

    The other day my mom told me about one of my classmates in elementary school that we used to hang out a lot, he was my best friend at that time!
    But now as my mother told me they’re facing some huge problems. my friend’s mother got cancer and removed her breasts, his father left them and remarried with some divorced woman. his 26 years old brother had to leave college and now he has no job. Despite of financial issues they are mentally broke and have no body …
    I really got shocked and deeply sad after hearing their story. somehow i blame myself. maybe if i had kept in touch with him, he wouldn’t have been this lonely.
    I wish i can make it up for him and be helpful, that one my major prays these days.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Girl711 says:

      I am deeply sorry to hear about their lose. However, i don’t think you should blame yourself. Yes we have best friends when we were young. I too had one. But as we grow up, we change and that sometimes leads to less contact. So its not your fault that you drifted apart.
      Also, if you really do care, maybe you could go talk to him. Tell him what you told me. About how you are there for him today, despite the fact that you are not as close anymore. Let him know he isn’t alone. Sometimes just knowing that someone’s got your back can solve lots of problems. He may feel better after that. And even if he doesn’t… Well… You did what you had to, just leat him know that.

      Liked by 2 people

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